don't miss the 2025 nfaa indoor sectionals & National series!!

Archers compete against others in their section to become the Sectional Champion, and scores are cumulated across all sections to determine the inaugural NFAA Indoor National Series Champion in each division! Watch for more locations and dates to be announced as they are approved.

find sectional dates and locations near you


check back for registrations to open as host locations are approved

Register Today

All NFAA divisions are eligible to participate. Participants must be a NFAA member in good standing and can register in up to three shooting styles within the same age division. The Early Registration Deadline is three calendar days prior to each event. A $15 late registration fee applies after this deadline. 

Registration is required online through Sport:80. Onsite registration may not be available.

To be eligible for sectional awards, archers must hold a NFAA state membership within the section which they are competing. If competing in a section that does not include the state through which their NFAA membership is held, archers may compete in the Guest division. Archers may only register and compete at ONE location for the Sectional Championships unless the registrations are in the same age division. 

click to view sections and corresponding states

Pro Divisions

$105 early registration  ($120 after early registration deadline)

Professional Adult Freestyle (18+ years)
Professional Senior Freestyle (50+ years)
Professional Silver Senior Freestyle (60+ years)
Professional Master Senior Freestyle (70+ years)

Adult & Senior Divisions

$55 early registration  ($70 after early registration deadline)

Adult (18+ years)
Senior (50+ years)
Silver Senior (60+ years)
Master Senior (70+ years)

Barebow Recurve
Bowhunter Freestyle
Freestyle Limited
Freestyle Limited Recurve
Longbow (Adult Division Only)
Crossbow (Adult Division Only)

Junior Divisions

$45 early registration  ($60 after early registration deadline)

Cub (11 years and under)
Youth (12-14 years)
Young Adult (15-17 years)

Barebow Recurve
Bowhunter Freestyle
Freestyle Limited Recurve


All archers must have proof of NFAA membership at the tournament site. All memberships are subject to verification at any time during the tournament.

Each registrant is responsible for re-registering for the sectional location to which he/she is transferring. Refunds will be issued for the original registration less 4% for credit card processing fees after the archer notifies that re-registration has been completed. The refund request must be received prior to the Early Registration Deadline of the original event. Late registration fees will apply if the re-registration takes place after the event's Early Registration Deadline. 

All cancellation requests must be received in writing to prior to the event's Early Registration Deadline. All cancellations will be charged a $15 administration fee. After the Early Registration Deadline, no refunds will be issued due to scheduling conflicts, illness, or other personal issues.

sectional round format

The round format consists of two NFAA blue/white rounds, 60 arrows each for a maximum score of 300 60x per round. Both rounds will count toward the archer's final sectional placement and national ranking. If an archer chooses to compete at more than one location within his/her section, the first score will count. Inside-out scoring of the X-ring will be used at all locations for tie-breakers. 

tournament rules

1. Two whistle blasts = archers to the line. One whistle blast = shooting commences and the clock starts. Three blasts = retrieve arrows and score. Five or more blasts = emergency stop shooting of all shooting.

2. You, the archer, are responsible for your equipment to comply with NFAA rules. It is also your responsibility to confirm you are shooting in the correct style and division. If you are registered in the wrong division or style, this must be corrected prior to shooting your first arrow for score. Archers may register in ONE division and up to THREE shooting styles. A registration fee applies for each shooting style. 

3. Maximum arrow shaft diameter allowed is 0.422 inches with point diameter not to exceed 0.425 inches. The shaft diameter includes any wrap placed on the arrow, the size of the nock, and the size of the nock insert. If the arrow wrap, nock, or nock adapter exceeds 0.422 inches in diameter and are embedded in the scoring area of the target, the arrow shall not be scored and will be reshot.

4. No archer shall draw a bow in any manner that if accidentally released could fly beyond a safety zone or a safety arrangement over shoot area, backstop, etc. A warning will be given on the first instance. Second instance will require removal of archer from event.

5. A protest committee shall be assigned at each sectional site, consisting of three NFAA members, one of which shall be a Councilman, or Director or Director designee. In the case of multiple sectional sites, the ruling shall be forwarded to the Sectional Councilman if not present at the site.

6. Any individual wishing to file a protest against another archer must inform that individual in the presence of a tournament official that a protest will be filed. Both individuals have the right to be present during the meeting of the protest committee. 

7. All protests must be in writing and turned in to the Tournament Chairman within one hour after the finish of the shooting line on which the alleged offense occurred. The protest must be accompanied by $50 cash, which will be refunded if the protest is upheld.

8. An archer’s age will be determined by their actual birth date and their physical age as of the first day of the originally scheduled competition.

9. Any equipment that impairs the hearing of the competitor will not be allowed on the shooting line. This is a safety issue and will be enforced.

10. The Pro Division Dress Code applies to all NFAA Pro Sanctioned Events, including Sectional Championships.

scoring rules

1. Each archer will complete two standard NFAA Indoor Rounds. Each standard round will consist of 60 arrows shot at a distance of 20 yards. Cubs will shoot at 10 yards. Each round shall consist of 12 ends of 5 arrows per end.

2. Target:

a. The target shall be 40 cm. in diameter and shall be of a dull blue color. The spot shall be two white rings with blue X in center ring. All inscribed scoring rings shall be white.

b. The bullseye shall be 8 cm. in diameter with a 4 cm. X-ring. 

c. Any archer may choose to use the NFAA Indoor Five Spot Target in lieu of the NFAA Indoor Single Spot Target. If using the NFAA Indoor Five Spot Target: An archer may shoot any of the 5 spots in any order and shoot as many arrows into any one spot as the archer desires, not to exceed the prescribed number of arrows per end. Scoring shall be five points for the combined 4 cm. X-ring and 8 cm. white ring and four points for the combined 12 cm. and 16 cm. blue rings.

3. Archers must straddle the shooting line. A disabled archer shooting from a chair or wheelchair will place the chair legs or wheels straddling the shooting line.

4. The time limit is 4 minutes per end.

5. In the event of equipment failure, the archer will have 15 minutes repair time without holding up the tournament. One practice end will be allowed. The archer shall be allowed to shoot any arrows he or she did not shoot during the 15 minutes repair time after the final end.

6. Prior to each shooting line, there will be 2 ends of official practice on the archer's assigned target. Scoring begins immediately after the 2 practice ends; no additional practice ends will be shot.

7. Scoring:

a. The scoring is Inside-Out X, X, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 from the spot out on the NFAA Indoor Single Spot Target. The scoring is Inside-Out X, X, 5, 4 from the spot out on the NFAA Indoor Five Spot Target. An arrow is considered to be an Inside-Out X if the shaft is completely inside the X-ring with no part of the shaft touching the X-ring. 

b. X-rings shall be counted and used as tie breakers and will be considered part of the official score. Inside-out scoring of the X-ring will be counted at all sectional locations to be used as a secondary tie breaker.

c. Archers shall record X’s and the numeric value of each arrow in each scoring box before touching or drawing any arrows from the target.  No archer may touch the target face before all arrows are scored.

d. An arrow cutting two rings shall be scored in the ring of greater value. Scoring is determined by the position of the shaft. In all NFAA Rounds, an arrow shaft need only touch the line to be counted in the area of next higher value.

e. In the event the scoring ring has become distorted due to torn or missing paper, the scorer shall visually reconstruct the natural arc of the scoring ring to determine the value of the arrow(s).

f. Witnessed bounce outs or arrows passing completely through the target will be re-shot.

g. Hits on the wrong target will be scored as misses.

h. When an arrow is dropped while the archer is in the act of shooting, he/she may shoot another arrow in place of the dropped arrow if any portion of the dropped arrow is within 10 feet of the shooting line.

i. If an archer shoots more than the prescribed number of arrows in an end, the excess arrow or arrows of higher value will not be scored. A penalty of one scoring ring (1 point and 1 X if applicable) will be assessed for each arrow shot over the prescribed number of arrows.

j. If an archer shoots less than the prescribed number of arrows in one end he/she may shoot his/her remaining arrows if the omission is discovered before the end is officially completed; otherwise they shall be scored as misses.

k. The target group, which generally consists of 4 archers, will select a score caller, two scorekeepers, and a target captain. The target captain shall be the judge of disputed arrows on his/her target.  When a captain’s arrows are in question, the majority of the group shall decide the status of the target captain’s arrows.  When a line judge has been appointed and an appeal is made to the line judge, the line judge's call will be final.

l. Scorecards must have all totals correct and in the proper place. Both scorekeepers and the archer must sign the scorecard. A scorecard submitted with incorrect total(s) may be disqualified.

m. Double scoring will be used for all paper scorecards. Ideally, there should be one colored version and one white version.  Two archers are designated as paper scorekeepers on each target bale. One scorekeeper will complete all of the colored scorecards and the other scorekeeper will complete all of the white scorecards. 

n. Scorecards should be turned in to the tournament host within 30 minutes of the end of the assigned round. All scoring on the official scorecards must be completed in INK. Any changes on the official scorecard must be agreed upon and initialed by all archers in the scoring group. Any archer turning in an incorrect scorecard will be subject to disqualification.

electronic scoring rules

  1.  Electronic scoring will be utilized for all sectional archers and is considered an official form of scoring. Failure to input your electronic score may result in disqualification of that day’s scores. 
  2. All electronic scores are considered unofficial until they are verified by NFAA staff against the Official Colored Scorecard.
  3. Archers can input their personal electronic score during or immediately following the round. 
  4. Internet connection or cellular date service is only required when scanning the QR code and at the end of the competition to upload scores. Service is not required during the scoring input. 
  5. In the event that an archer/scoring group does not have a device or if Wi-Fi or cellular data service is not available onsite, it is the archer’s responsibility to input their electronic score offsite no later than the Monday following their event weekend. Failure to do so may result in disqualification of that day's scores.

Click for electronic scoring instructions and to download the Ianseo Scorekeeper NG app

New for 2025: NFAA Indoor National Series

See how you stack up to archers around the country! As an exciting bonus to the classic NFAA Sectional Championships, scores from all sections will be aggregated to determine the National Series Champions in each division. Winners will be honored with a unique award to celebrate their remarkable achievement. 

indoor national series

As an exciting bonus to the classic NFAA Sectional Championships, scores from all sections will be aggregated to determine the National Series Champions in each division. Winners will be honored with a unique award to celebrate their remarkable achievement. 

sectional championships

Our Sectional awards got a fresh new look in 2024! Check out the new designs!

host requirements

Sectional hosts are required to complete the Indoor Sectional Host Contract. Each host will be approved by the respective sectional Councilman. Hosts must have a current NFAA club charter or shop license AND a valid NFAA Indoor Range Certificate through the duration of their event. Registration will open for each event upon approval of the Host Contract and validation of the host's charter/license and Indoor Range Certificate. 

click to complete indoor sectional host contract


Hosts can download this fillable flyer to advertise their event. 

download fillable flyer


Electronic scoring will be used at all sectional locations for live scoring. Detailed instructions for electronic scoring will be sent to each host prior to their event. The NFAA will provide the official scorecards for printing. The host is responsible for returning the scorecards to the NFAA either by mail or e-mail no later than 2 days after the completion of their event. Hosts, Directors, and Councilmen are NOT required to submit cumulative scoring reports from their section. Archer standings will be updated in realtime, and final results will be posted upon validation of the paper scorecards with the electronic scorecards.


Each host is responsible for purchasing the official NFAA 300 Round target faces. Hosts will be reimbursed $1 per archer registered at their location to assist in covering target expenses. Reimbursement will be provided on the proceeds check to be mailed following completion of the event. 

purchase nfaa 300 round target faces

Archers can reserve discounted hotel accommodations through the NFAA's partnership with Lucid Travel. Click the link below to find your event. Sectional locations will be added as they are approved.

reserve discounted hotel accommodations

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