NFAA Outdoor National Target Championships 2025
The NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center will host the 10th annual NFAA Outdoor National Target Championships, September 19-21, 2025. The event will be a 2-day outdoor shoot featuring a NFAA Classic 600 Round on Day 1 and a NFAA 900 Round on Day 2.
The NFAA Classic 600 Round will consist of 4 ends of 5 arrows shot at 3 distances, beginning with the closest distance. 4 minutes will be allowed for each end. The target will be the 92cm NFAA multicolor target face with gold-red-blue, etc. with archers having a choice of the full target (1 through 10 scoring areas) or the center spot (6 through 10 scoring areas). Cub distances will be 10-20-30 yards, Youth distances will be 30-40-50 yards and Young Adult/Adult/Senior distances will be 40-50-60 yards.
The NFAA 900 Round will consist of 5 ends of 6 arrows shot at 3 distances, beginning with the furthest distance. 5 minutes will be allowed for each end. The target will be the 122cm multicolor face with gold-red-blue, etc. (10 through 1) scoring areas. Cub distances will be 30-20-10 yards, Youth distances will be 50-40-30 yards and Young Adult/Adult/Senior distances will be 60-50-40 yards.
Registration to open in April!
Adult & Senior Divisions
Adult (18+ years)
Senior (50+ years)
Silver Senior (60+ years)
Master Senior (70+ years)
Barebow Recurve
Bowhunter Freestyle
Freestyle Limited
Freestyle Limited Recurve
Longbow (Adult Division Only)
Crossbow (Adult Division Only)
Junior Divisions
Cub (11 & under), Youth (12-14), Young Adult (15-17)
Barebow Recurve
Bowhunter Freestyle
Freestyle Limited Recurve
Junior archers who wish to compete in a higher age class than his/her birthdate would normally qualify for need to have a parent/guardian complete a Parental Authorization form.
Professional Divisions
Professional (15+), Professional Senior (50+), Professional Silver Senior (60+), Professional Master Senior (70+)
Collegiate add-on
$25 add-on to registration
Bowhunter Freestyle
Freestyle Limited Recurve
Recurve Barebow
Collegiate archers will compete in their regular division and scores will also count toward their collegiate placement. Winners in each divisions will earn a $250 scholarship! Additional scholarships may be available for 2nd and 3rd place winners dependent on participation.
IMPORTANT! To be eligible for the collegiate competition, the archer must first hold a valid NFAA Collegiate Membership or NFAA Collegiate Add-On Membership (for Professional/Life members). Learn more on the NFAA Collegiate Program page.
All cancellations are subject to a $25 cancellation fee. All cancellation requests must be received in writing on or before the early registration deadline of 9/8/2025. No refunds will be considered on or after the early registration deadline. After the cancellation deadline, no refunds will be issued due to scheduling conflicts, illness, or other personal issues.
national roundup preliminary schedule
thursday, september 18 (times tbd)
(Morning & Afternoon) First Dakota Classic: Check-In & Late Registration
(Morning & Afternoon) Indoor Paid Practice
(Morning & Afternoon) Indoor Vendor Trade Show
friday, september 19 (times tbd)
(Morning & Afternoon) First Dakota Classic & Outdoor National Target: Check-In & Late Registration
(Morning & Afternoon) First Dakota Classic: Qualification Round
(Morning & Afternoon) Paid Practice
(Morning & Afternoon) Indoor Vendor Trade Show
(Afternoon) 3 Star Shoot Off: $5,000 Professional and $2,500 Amateur
saturday, september 20 (times tbd)
(Morning) Outdoor National Target: Check-In & Late Registration
(Morning) Outdoor National Target: NFAA 600 Classic Round
(Afternoon) First Dakota Classic: Head-to-Head Matches
(Afternoon) First Dakota Classic: Awards (Following the Completion of Each Shooting Group)
(Morning & Afternoon) Indoor Vendor Trade Show
(Morning & Afternoon) Indoor/Outdoor Paid Practice Available (Please Pay Inside)
Sunday, september 21 (times tbd)
(Morning) Outdoor National Target: NFAA 900 Round
(Morning & Afternoon) Indoor Vendor Trade Show
Outdoor National Target: Awards Ceremony to take place approximately 30 minutes after the last scorecard is turned in.
Concessions Available! Concessions will be available during all official shooting times.
The schedule is subject to change.
Walking distance from the Archery Center! Use the official group link to book discounted rates under the event room block.
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general tournament rules
All participants, regardless of ability, must adhere to NFAA competition rules. The rules printed in this document are not the complete rules established by the NFAA, they are condensed by necessity. They are not to be considered final; there could be other rules that may apply to your situation. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the NFAA rules of competition. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for verifying you are in the correct Division and Style of Shooting prior to the beginning of competition.
SAFETY. A few simple safety rules need to be observed:
- Make sure all your equipment is in safe working order, you are responsible for the damage your equipment may cause should a “malfunction” occur.
- Never exceed the manufacturer’s recommendation matching arrow spine to bow weight.
- When drawing your bow, the arrow should always remain in a horizontal position pointed at the target. If you can only draw your bow with the arrow pointed upward, you are over bowed and tournament officials may request a change.
- Always be sure no one or nothing is in your line of “fire” when releasing an arrow, remember you are ultimately responsible for the destination of your arrow.
EQUIPMENT. It is your responsibility to know if your equipment is legal for NFAA competition. Simply because your equipment was “legal” in your state or club competition does not necessarily mean it is legal as described by NFAA rules of competition. If you are unsure about the legality of your equipment ask a tournament official. If, at any time, it is deemed your equipment is not meeting NFAA equipment standards, you will be disqualified.
Maximum peak draw weight allowed in NFAA competition is 80 pounds; maximum speed of 300 FPS with a variance of 3%.
GENERAL rules for 900 Round
There are 5 ends of 6 arrows at each distance; total of 30 arrows per distance. All divisions will start at the furthest distance and progress to the shortest distance.
Cubs: 10 yards - 20 yards - 30 yards
Youth: 30 yards - 40 yards - 50 yards
Young Adults/Adults/Seniors: 40 yards - 50 yards - 60 yards
shooting rules
- An END consists of six arrows shot for score.
- There will be a 5-minute time limit to shoot 6 arrows, with a 30 sec. warning before the time limit expires. The Director of Shooting (DOS) shall signal the start and finish of each end and shall use tournament control signals needed for safety.
- NFAA shooting divisions and styles shall be used for award presentation.
- Any kind of arrow may be used provided they do not damage the target face or target butt unreasonably.
- Any type of spotting aid may be used provided it does not cause an obstruction or interference to other shooters.
- Initial target assignments may be made according to any system designated by the tournament officials. There shall not be less than three nor more than five archers assigned to each target in use. Four is customary.
- Archers shall be re-assigned targets after each round on the basis of their total score in division and style for rounds completed.
- There shall be two practice ends or 45 minutes of open practice before the first scoring end in the competition.
- There shall be no practice permitted after a break or delay unless such postponement exceeds forty-five (45) minutes. In such cases the amount of practice shall be one practice end at the present scoring distance.
- A whistle system shall be used to control the archers shooting line, rotation and timing for scoring per end shot: Two (2) blasts to come to the shooting line, one (1) blast to start timing of shooting for score, three (3) blasts to go forward to score, and four (4) or more for emergency stop of all shooting.
- Equipment failures must be recognized by an official and 45 minutes will be allowed for repair. There will be one practice end, at the distance that the equipment failure occurred.
- A mis-shot arrow may be re-shot if the archer can touch the arrow with their bow without moving their feet at the shooting line.
- If an arrow should hang from the target face, shooting shall be interrupted and a judge shall immediately reinsert the arrow in its proper place in the scoring face.
- Ties shall be resolved in favor of the archer with the most hits. Then the greatest number of X’s, 10’s and 9’s etc. If still tied, the tie shall be so recorded unless it is for first place. Which will be shot off one arrow at a time. If still tied after two tie breaker arrows, the third will be closest to the center.
- Coaching an archer on the shooting line is permitted, providing that such coaching is not distracting to other contestants. Audible coaching of archers on the shooting line is not permitted.
scoring rules
- Arrows in the standard 122 cm target face shall be scored as follows: Inner Gold – 10, Outer Gold-9, Inner Red – 8, Outer Red-7, Inner Blue – 6, Outer Blue-5, Inner Black – 4, Outer Black-3, Inner White – 2, Outer White-1; all others shall be scored as an “M” (miss).
- An arrow shaft need only touch the scoring line to be counted in the next higher value. Doubtful arrows must be determined for each end before the arrows or target face have been touched, otherwise the lower value must be taken.
- An arrow that has passed through the scoring face so that it is not visible from the front shall be pushed back through for scoring. If a complete pass –through goes unnoticed until scoring at the target, it shall be re-shot. Arrows passing completely through the target, if witnessed, may be re-shot.
- An arrow that rebounds from the target butt shall be re-shot.
- An arrow embedded in another arrow in the scoring face shall be scored the same as the arrow in which it is embedded.
- Hits on the wrong target face shall score as misses.
- The archer chosen to pull the arrows from the target, normally the first in order of assignment, shall be the Target Captain and shall rule all questions on their target subject to appeal to the Line Judge.
- The Target Captain shall call the value of each arrow so it can be recorded by two score keepers, normally the next two assigned to the target. Scorers should keep a running score and check results after each end to avoid errors. Any archer on a target may request a judge to determine final score of any arrow before any arrows or the target butt are touched.
- Archers are individually responsible for seeing that their arrows are called correctly and are properly entered on the scorecards, and that their scorecards are signed and turned in to the proper officials.
GENERAL RULES for Classic 600 Round
Same rules as the 900 Round with the exception of the following:
- 20 arrows will be shot at each distance in 4 ends of 5 arrows for score.
- Time limit shall be 4 minutes per end.
- The NFAA Archery Classic 92 cm Target Face shall be used. At the discretion of tournament management, the center version of the Face may be used utilizing only the 6 through 10 rings. Archers who want to shoot the full 92 cm Target Face must state their desire during registration and will be accommodated by moving them to a target butt with a full face.
- The round is shot starting at the closest distance and progressing to the longest distance.
Trade Show
Trade Show booths will be available for vendors & sponsors at the NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center. Regular cost is $500 per 10’x10′. Each sponsor will receive one 10’x10′ at no cost. If space is available, additional booths will be billed at $500 per 10’x10′. Booth locations will be assigned closer to the event when we have a better idea of the layout.