The NFAA Foundation will host the third annual Rushmore Rumble, January 3-5, 2025 at the NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center.  The event will be open to all archers! No membership required.

The Rushmore Rumble will include 2-days of competition with Day 1 featuring a new 600 Vegas round shot on the 40 cm 5-spot Vegas-style target. The round will consist of 12 ends of 5 arrows shot at 20 yards. The 40 cm 5-spot target features scoring areas 10-7 with the x-ring scoring. 4 minutes will be allowed for each end. Archers may also shoot at the 40 cm single-spot with scoring rings 10-1.

Day 2 will feature a traditional Vegas 300 round shot on the 40 cm 3-spot Vegas target. The round will consist of 10 ends of 3 arrows shot at 20 yards. The 40 cm 3-spot target features scoring areas 10-6 with the x-ring scoring. 2 minutes will be allowed for each end. Archers may also shoot at the 40 cm single-spot with scoring rings 10-1.

Championship division (including Championship Young Adult) ties for first, second, and third place will be determined by the highest total score from both days of competition, not counting x’s. All competitors tied with the same high score at the end of the second day will compete in a shoot-off to determine final places.

The event will feature NFAA Foundation championship, flight, and junior divisions; the same divisions offered at The Vegas Shoot and the First Dakota Classic.

The Early Registration Deadline is December 23, 2024. A $50 late fee will apply after this date. 

Late registrations will be accepted onsite until January 3, 2025. A late registration fee will apply.

click here to register!

Junior Divisions

$80 early registration rate

Cub (11 & under), Youth (12-14), Young Adult (15-17)

Male & Female Separate Divisions

  • Barebow Recurve
  • Bowhunter
  • Compound
  • Recurve

Flight Divisions

$150 early registration rate

Male & Female Combined Divisions

  • Bowhunter Flights
  • Compound Flights
  • Crossbow Flights
  • Crossbow Unlimited Flights
  • Compound Limited Flights
  • Recurve Flights
  • Recurve Barebow Flights
  • Compound Barebow Flights

Young Adult Championship Divisions

$200 early registration rate

Male & Female Combined Divisions

  • Compound
  • Recurve

Championship Divisions

$250 early registration rate

  • Barebow Recurve Open (male & female combined)
  • Compound Female
  • Compound Senior Male
  • Compound Senior Female
  • Recurve Male
  • Recurve Female

Championship Compound Open Division

$300 early registration rate

Male & Female Combined

  • Championship Compound Open

Collegiate Add-Ons

$25 add-on registration

Male & Female Separate Divisions

  • Bowhunter
  • Barebow Recurve
  • Freestyle
  • Recurve

Collegiate archers will compete in their regular division and scores will also count toward their collegiate placement. Winners in each divisions will earn a $250 scholarship! Additional scholarships may be available for 2nd and 3rd place winners dependent on participation. 

IMPORTANT! To be eligible for the collegiate competition, the archer must first hold a valid NFAA Collegiate Membership or NFAA Collegiate Add-On Membership (for Professional/Life members). Learn more on the NFAA Collegiate Program page


All cancellations are subject to a $25 cancellation fee. All cancellation requests must be received in writing on or before the Early Registration Deadline of 12/23/2024. After the early registration deadline, no refunds will be issued due to scheduling conflicts, illness, or other personal issues.

preliminary schedule

Friday, January 3, 2025

9:00AM-5:00PM Late Registration & Check In
9:00AM-8:00PM Paid Practice as Space is Available

Saturday, January 4, 2025

7:00AM-4:00PM Check In
7:00AM-7:00PM Open Practice as Space Allows
8:00AM Day 1: Vegas 600 Round on 5-Spot 40cm
12:00PM Day 1: Vegas 600 Round on 5-Spot 40cm
4:00PM Day 1: Vegas 600 Round on 5-Spot 40cm
Line Times May Change Due to Participation

Sunday, January 5, 2025

8:00AM-2:00PM Open Practice As Space Allows
TBD  Day 2: Vegas 300 Round
TBD  Championship Shoot Off & Championship Awards

*Awards for Flight & Junior Divisions will follow their Sunday Shooting Line

Round Basics

Day 1: All Championship (including Championship Young Adult) Divisions and Adult Flight Divisions will shoot on either the 40 cm Vegas 5-spot target face with gold to red scoring areas (10-9-8-7) or the 40 cm single-spot face with 10 through 1 scoring. The X-ring of the 40 cm face will be used for tiebreaks in the Flights divisions and for 4th place or below in the Championship divisions.  After the sixth end of the competition, target faces are changed from bottom to top or vice versa.

Non-Championship Cub, Youth, and Young Adult Recurve and Barebow Recurve divisions will shoot on the 60 cm target face with 10 through 1 scoring. Cub, Youth, and Young Adult Compound and Bowhunter divisions will use the standard single-spot 40 cm Vegas target face or the Vegas 5-spot target face. Archers can switch target faces (single-spot or 5-spot) at any time during practice rounds and competition.

The round will consist of 12 ends of 5 arrows shot at 20 yards. 4 minutes will be allowed for each end.

Day 2: All Championship (including Championship Young Adult) Divisions and Adult Flight Divisions will shoot on either the 40 cm Vegas three-spot target face with gold – red– blue (10-9-8-7-6) scoring areas or the 40 cm single-spot face with 10 through 1 scoring. The x-ring of the 40 cm face will be used for tiebreaks in the Flights divisions and for 4th place or below in the Championship divisions.  After the fifth end of the competition, target faces are changed from bottom to top or vice versa.

Non-Championship Cub, Youth, and Young Adult Recurve and Barebow Recurve divisions will shoot on the 60 cm target face with 10 through 1 scoring. Cub, Youth, and Young Adult Compound and Bowhunter divisions will use the standard single-spot 40 cm Vegas target face or the Vegas 3-spot target face. Archers can switch target faces (single-spot or 3-spot) at any time during practice rounds and competition.

The round will consist of 10 ends of 3 arrows shot at 20 yards. 2 minutes will be allowed for each end.

Distance for all Divisions: 20 Yards

Round Rules

You may enter either a Championship division, Flight division, or Junior Division. Archers may only register in ONE division and style and will remain in the same division for the duration of the event. The number of entries in that division will determine the number of places offered in each division. The tournament guarantees the first three places for each division will not change; however, subsequent places may change based on attendance. This may be different than the published awards.

Flights: Flight placements will be determined at the discretion of the tournament management. The method(s) used for determining the flights can be any combination of both days of competition.

Junior Divisions:  There will be four junior shooting styles open to all junior archers: Barebow Recurve, Bowhunter, Compound, and Recurve. Each shooting style will offer three age groups in Male and Female categories; Cub (11 and under), Youth (12-14), and Young Adult (15-17). The archer must be the appropriate age at the start of the competition and will remain in that category even if they celebrate a birthday during the competition. NFAA Foundation scholarships will be presented to the top three winners in each junior Division.

Championship Young Adult Divisions: There will be two Championship Young Adult divisions available to archers 12-17 years of age; Compound and Recurve. Championship Young Adult divisions will compete for cash prizes in a male/female-combined division. Participants must be between the ages of 12-17 at the start of the tournament to compete in these divisions.

Ties: Championship division (including Championship Young Adult) ties for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be determined by the highest total score from both days of competition, not counting Xs. All competitors tied with the same high score at the end of the third day will compete in a shoot-off to determine final places.

The shoot-off will be shot on the 40cm Vegas 3-spot target face and will include one practice end followed by end-by-end sudden death. The first end will be scored with regular scoring followed by scoring where only the X-ring scores 10 points. After each end, only those still tied with the highest score will continue in the shoot-off. All archers’ placement in the tournament (other than 1st, 2nd, or 3rd) will be determined by the order in which they drop out of the shoot-off. If more than one archer drops out of the shoot-off in the same end, those archers will be placed based on their total score and X-count of both days, including the score and Xs accumulated in the shoot-off.

All other ties (Flight and Championship) will be broken by the highest score and highest X count. Ties remaining after X count will equally split the combined payout of the tied positions.

All Junior Division ties will be decided by the highest score in the following sequence:

  1. Total Xs
  2. First round score
  3. Second round score
  4. First end through twentieth end score.

Shooting Rules

  1. Day 1: Each end (time period to shoot five arrows) shall be 4 minutes. Day 2: Each end shall be 2 minutes.
  2. Archers shooting first will shoot the lower target face positions.
  3. An archer shooting after the whistle signaling the time has lapsed will lose his/her highest scoring arrow or arrows equaling the number of errant arrows shot.
  4. For Championship & Young Adult Championship divisions only: one arrow is allowed per spot on the 3-spot or 5-spot target face. If there is more than one arrow in a single spot, the archer will lose his/her highest scoring arrow(s) in that spot.
  5. If more than the prescribed number of arrows are shot during an end, only the lowest arrows will be scored.  A penalty of one point will be assessed for each additional arrow shot. Misses or zeros will be counted as the lowest arrows.
  6. If an archer shoots less than the prescribed arrows in one end and retires from the line, he/she may shoot the remaining arrows if the omission is discovered before the end is officially completed and the line has not been cleared; otherwise the arrows shall be scored as misses.
  7. An archer who purposely disfigures a target face to improve aiming or for any other reason may be disqualified.  Arrow holes may be repaired provided there is no delay to the round.
  8. For Championship divisions, targets must be replaced with a new face after the 5th end.
  9. Any archer conducting him/herself in an unsportsmanlike manner will be immediately disqualified and removed from the site.
  10. Peak compound bow draw weight shall not exceed 80 lbs.
  11. Maximum arrow shaft diameter allowed will be 0.422 inches with a point diameter not to exceed 0.425 inches. The shaft diameter will in­clude any wrap placed on the arrow and will include the size of the nock and the nock insert.
  12. If the arrow wrap, nock, or nock adapter exceeds 0.422 inches and are embedded in the scoring area, the arrow shall NOT be scored and will be re-shot.
  13. Any equipment that impairs the hearing of the competitor will not be allowed on the shooting line.
  14. Any archer that is hearing impaired must notify officials prior to shooting.
  15. Arrow twirling will be permitted as long as it is not disruptive or dangerous to other archers or the event. A warning may be given by a tournament official if the twirling or handling of an arrow is deemed as disruptive or dangerous. Repeated violations may result in the removal of the archer from the competition at the tournament official's discretion.

Protests:  Any incident requiring an immediate decision must be brought to the attention of a judge.  All protests must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director within one hour of the conclusion of the round where the incident occurred, accompanied by $50 USD. The Tournament Rules Committee will convene approximately 1 hour after the last scoring end of each day to decide the outcome of each protest. All decisions of the Tournament Rules Committee will be final. The $50 protest fee will be returned if the Tournament Rules Committee rules in favor of the protest. No protests are allowed during shoot-offs; judges decisions are final.

Equipment Failure: In the event of equipment failure, the archer should step back from the shooting line and raise the bow above his/her head.  A judge will come to the archer's assistance. The archer will have 15 minutes of repair time without holding up the tournament. One practice end will be allowed.  The archer shall be allowed to shoot any arrows missed during the 15 minutes. All make-up arrows will be shot at the end of the round. There will be no allowance for equipment failure in shoot-offs.

Dress Code: All Professional members of the NFAA and anyone participating in a Championship shoot-off or standing on the awards podium are required to meet the following dress code standards. It is suggested that all archers in Championship divisions adhere to the following dress code:
Archers shall present themselves in clean and neat attire, acceptable to public view.  Blue jeans/denim and any bottoms with holes, tears, or frayed material are not allowed. Archers shall wear pants, shorts, or skirts. Shorts and skirt hems should be an appropriate length. Shirts/tops shall be of a collared design. Shirts must have a standard collar, Henley collar or mock collar. T-shirts, swimming suits, cut-offs, and obscene or vulgar slogans or pictures on clothing are prohibited. Open-toed shoes/flip flops/sandals are unacceptable while competing. 

All Championship division participants are required to meet the following dress code standards during official rounds of competition
Archers shall dress in a clean, professional manner. Bottoms should look fitted, clean, undamaged, and be of appropriate length. The waist of the attire shall not fall below the waistline. No ripped or frayed jeans. T-shirts, swimming suits, cut-offs, and obscene or vulgar slogans or pictures on clothing are prohibited. Open-toed shoes/flip flops/sandals are unacceptable while competing. 

Scoring Rules

  1. A judge will make all decisions on scoring questionable arrows. The judge's decision is final.
  2. All arrows must remain untouched in the target until scoring is complete.
  3. Any archer intentionally touching any questionable arrow or any part of the target assembly (including other arrows, faces, pins, mat or stand) will result in the questionable arrow being scored in the lower scoring area. If it happens more than once, the archer will be disqualified.
  4. The target face must be placed on the mat in an upright position.
  5. Arrows must touch the line to be in the next highest scoring area.
  6. Any arrow that passes beyond the shooting line a distance greater than 10 feet as measured to the closest part of the arrow, will be considered a shot arrow. See mark on the floor.
  7. If an arrow is embedded in the target beyond the nock, the arrow should not be touched and a judge must be called. If the arrow is touched before the judge arrives, then the arrow cannot be scored. If a judge cannot determine the value of that arrow, it will be considered a pass-through and will be re-shot. No arrows will be pushed back.
  8. Bounce-outs can be re-shot at the end of regulation shooting.
  9. Each competitor must review and sign his/her own scorecard. Both scorers must also sign it. When there is a difference on the two cards, the lowest score will be taken. To be considered valid, scorecards must be turned in within one hour of the final end.
  10. All scoring on the official scorecard must be completed in ink. Any changes on the official scorecard must be agreed upon and initialed by all archers in the scoring group. Any archer turning in an incorrect scorecard will be subject to disqualification.

Equipment Rules

All divisions will follow the same equipment rules as The Vegas Shoot.

New for 2025: collegiate divisions!

Collegiate archers can purchase a $25 add-on to their Rushmore Rumble registration to be eligible for collegiate awards and scholarships! Scores will be pulled from the archer's division for the Rushmore Rumble into the respective collegiate division. 


Collegiate divisions

Collegiate Male Barebow Recurve
Collegiate Female Barebow Recurve
Collegiate Male Bowhunter
Collegiate Female Bowhunter
Collegiate Male Compound
Collegiate Female Compound
Collegiate Male Recurve
Collegiate Female Recurve


Must hold either a NFAA Collegiate Membership or NFAA Collegiate Add-On (for Professional and/or NFAA Life Members) prior to registering. 

To be eligible for this membership, archers must meet the collegiate eligibility requirements.

scholarship details

First place in each collegiate division will win a $250 scholarship!

Additional scholarships may be awarded for 2nd and 3rd place winners dependent on participation.

coming soon!



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