Jun 01, 2022
Councilman Spotlight: Rocky Kline - Great Lakes Section
The National Field Archery Association (NFAA) Councilmen are elected from each of the following sections of the United States: the Northwestern, Southwestern, New England, Mid-Atlantic, Mid-Western, Great Lakes, Southern, and Southeastern. Interested in getting more involved in the NFAA? Contact us at for more information.
I began my career in archery in 1963, right out of high school after getting a Ben Person bow. At that time, I thought that the great sport of archery would only serve as a hobby. Little did I know, this sport would quickly become my life’s passion. After receiving my first bow, I began hunting with friends from work. After just a few shots my bow fell apart. I went and replaced my Ben Person bow with a new one, only to have the same thing happen again. This initial experience taught me the importance of purchasing high-quality equipment and learning how to fix my bows on my own. My second purchase was a Black Widow hunting bow. After using this bow a few times, I loved it so much that I decided to purchase a Black Widow target bow. At some point in my archery career, I discovered PSE bows. The first time I used PSE equipment, I knew it was top-notch. Twenty-five years ago, I was placed on the PSE shooting stall.
As my love for archery progressed, I found an outdoor range in my hometown, the Izaak Walton, and spent countless hours there refining my craft. In 1964 I stumbled upon a range in Galveston, IN called The Galveston Archery Club. I have spent the last 58 years shooting at this range as it is still in existence today. In my time with the Galveston Archery Club, I have served in many roles, including president for the last 30 years.
In 1970 I was introduced to the National Field Archery Association (NFAA). I immediately became involved and have now been a member for over 53 years. I have worked on many NFAA committees and have served as the Great Lakes Sectional Councilman for over 10 years. In my time with the NFAA I have participated in and worked many state, national, and world tournaments all over the United States.
Archery has brought me many moments of joy. I have been a merit badge counselor for the Boy Scouts of America for countless years. I have instructed many beginning archers who went on to win awards at the state and national levels. I loved archery so much, that I even took a job at the beginning of retirement at a gun and archery shop in my hometown. I spent the last 20 years working on setting up bows for many of my friends and family members.
The sport of archery has been so good to me. I have made lifelong friends, traveled all over the country and have been able to share priceless memories with my family as we have hunted and shot bows together. I had no idea when I picked that first bow up almost 60 years ago how great of a decision it was for me. Archery has shaped my life in so many positive ways and I am forever grateful.