Jan 25, 2023
NFAA and NFAA Foundation Add Ramrods as a 2023 Sponsor
RamRods Archery has signed on as a first-time sponsor of the NFAA and NFAA Foundation. Their sponsorship is helping preserve the archery world by allowing the NFAA to continue hosting events and tournaments.

The National Field Archery Association (NFAA), a non-profit corporation dedicated to the sport of archery in the United States of America, has announced a new sponsor for 2023 – RamRods Archery, manufacturer of stabilizers and archery accessories.
RamRods Archery has signed on as a first-time sponsor of the NFAA and NFAA Foundation. Their sponsorship is helping preserve the archery world by allowing the NFAA to continue hosting events and tournaments.
“We are thankful for the support we receive from archery companies such as RamRods” said Bruce Cull, NFAA Foundation President, “it is their contribution that allows us to grow the sport of archery through tournaments and events.”
The NFAA and NFAA Foundation are looking forward to welcoming many archers to various tournaments in 2023.
“RamRods has had a long-standing relationship with the Vegas Shoot. We started participating as competitors about 15 years ago and as vendors showcasing our products for the last 6 years” commented Josh Smith, RamRods co-owner and business manager. He adds “This experience has been integral to our growth, and we are thrilled to deepen our partnership with the NFAA and the archery community. We design products to meet the needs of every different type of archer in the world, to be able to bring that diverse community together in one place to learn and enjoy the sport together is something really special to us. The Vegas Shoot continues to be a highlight of our year and we look forward to continuing this association in the future.”
About RamRods
Pioneer Archery Designs got its start in 2014 when two teammates were discussing how stabilizers can change the way a bow reacts. Zach Garrett and Joe Fanchin became excited about the idea of developing a company unlike any other in the market. Over the next year, the duo spent countless hours designing and testing Pioneer Archery Designs’ first product line: RamRods. By the end of 2015, prototypes of RamRods half– inch diameter stabilizer were being used in competitions by Garrett and several other archers at the highest international level.
As demand for the company’s RamRods increased, Garrett and Fanchin became excited to dedicate the company's future to pioneering innovative archery products and making archery experts’ technical advice available to the public.
In 2016 Josh Smith joined the team. Smith and Fanchin are developing and launching new products, exhibiting RamRods lines at trade shows, and expanding the business into international markets.
RamRods is based in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Visit RamRods website to learn more!
About NFAA
The National Field Archery Association or NFAA is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the sport of archery in the United States of America. Founded in 1939, the NFAA now consists of 49 state associations and nearly 1,000 affiliated clubs with over 14,000 individual members. The National Field Archery Association Foundation is a 501c3 Public Charitable supporting organization of the NFAA. The NFAA is a national allied organization of USA Archery, the Olympic governing body for archery in the USA.
The National Field Archery Association is based in the NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center, and is a division of the National Field Archery Association Foundation in Yankton, South Dakota, USA.