Sep 25, 2015
NEYAC Hosts 6th Annual Ted Nugent Kamp 4 Kids

The 6th Annual Ted Nugent Kamp 4 Kids started off on a chilly foot at the NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center (NEYAC). On Saturday, September 19, the Kamp began at 8:30 a.m. The temperature was below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, but the cool air did not stop the 200 kids and parents from enjoying themselves. The Kamp was open to any child age 5 to 17 years old and the parents were encouraged to also attend. There were eight stations for the kids to visit during the kamp. The stations included: sling shot, air rifle, bow birds, Olympic archery, first aid, trap shooting, water birds, and 3D archery.
"We had a great group of kids, and the parents were really engaged and supportive of their children," said Josahan Jaime-Santa Cruz, who worked at the Olympic archery station. "And all the volunteers who ran the stations were amazing with the kids."
From 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the kids visit four of the eight stations, and then from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. they attend the last four stations. By noon, after a meal of hot dogs and hamburgers, the temperature had increased and the kids seemed more energetic.
At 5:15 p.m. the award ceremony began. Although Nugent was not able to attend this year's kamp, the kids still had fun receiving goody bags filled with items from candy to fishing gear, and won raffle prizes such as hats and three new compound bows.
NEYAC President Bruce Cull briefly spoke during the ceremony and asked the kids which station was their favorite. By a show of hands, it could be determined that no child was able to pick a distinct favorite.
Cull and the rest of the NEYAC team express their thanks to all the kids and parents who attended the kamp, the volunteers who helped, and those who sponsored yet another successful Kamp 4 Kids.