Jul 11, 2014
NFAA High Performance Compound Academy Shows Growth in its Second Year

The NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center hosted its second High Performance Compound Academy June 25-29, 2014. Top youth archers from across the country came to receive four days of advanced archery instruction from multiple top-level coaches. Coaches included Bob Romero, Level 5 NTS; Linda Beck, Level 5 NTS; Larry Wise, Level 4 NTS; George Ryals, NFAA Professional Archer; Erika Jones, NFAA Professional Archer; Josahan Jaime Santacruz, Level 4 NTS; Mark Eggers, US Collegiate Archery Association 2013 Coach of the Year; and Bill Hewes, Level 3 NTS.
The Complex boasts a 90m indoor range, FITA field, 3D field and 3 new NFAA Field courses that allowed students to learn and participate in multiple disciplines of archery. Students focused on advanced instruction in equipment setup, individual video analysis, presentations from top-level NFAA Professional archers, and introduction to sports medicine and sports science. The Academy taught the participants how to prepare for tournaments both mentally and physically, focused on National Training System shooting form and technique, and how to build and execute goals.
This year's Academy has made huge strides since 2013. The 2014 graduating class grew from just nine archers in 2013 to twenty seven. "People across the country are really beginning to understand the type of learning we are cultivating here at the NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center. We want to bring together the best coaches in the country with the best up and coming archers and we have the perfect facilities in which to hold it," praised NFAA President, Bruce Cull. "We had many students attend who already hold championships at multiple levels including National, International and Vegas titles. I know we will see several of these kids on top of the podiums in 2015."
The goal of the High Performance Academies is to create a central location for compounders to train and grow. The variety of indoor and outdoor facilities offers the perfect environment for archers to train year round. "We look forward to expanding into a series of Academies, hosted throughout the year," added Bill Hewes, Community Coach. "We want archers of all ages and skill levels to train at our facility. It doesn't matter if you want to compete at local shoots or at National and International competitions, we want to help all archers improve their skills."
"The NFAA and the NFAA Foundation have demonstrated their commitment to high performance compound training through the Compound Academy series. I am excited to watch these Academies grow into all levels, ages and disciplines of archery," stated Bob Romero, Easton Foundations Director of Coaching and Program Development.
A special thanks to all the businesses that supported the 2014 Academy: Easton Foundations, Easton Archery Products, Stan Releases, Arizona Archery Enterprises, Hoyt Archery, Carter Enterprises, Shrewd Archery, BCY Bowstrings, Bow Junky, Original Brite Site, Lancaster Archery Supply, Mount Marty College, Chesterman Company, Conkling Distributing and the Yankton WalMart.
For additional information on the NFAA Easton Yankton Archery Center and upcoming Yankton Compound Academies, contact us by phone at 605-260-9282 or find us at