Dec 14, 2022
NFAA Passes New Gender Policy Effective February 1, 2023
In NFAA sanctioned gender-divided competitions, athletes shall only be eligible to compete in the gender division corresponding with the gender of the athlete appearing upon the athlete’s original birth certificate issued by the legal jurisdiction of his or her birth.

The NFAA Board of Directors voted on November 23, 2022 to approve the following Transgender Policy. The effective date for this policy will be February 1, 2023.
Eligibility to compete in gender-divided competitions.
Gender Assigned At Birth.
In NFAA-sanctioned gender-divided competitions, athletes shall only be eligible to compete in the gender division corresponding with the gender of the athlete appearing upon the athlete’s original birth certificate issued by the legal jurisdiction of his or her birth. As a condition of participation in a competition, the NFAA may request (and upon request the athlete shall provide) a certified copy of the athlete’s original birth certificate reflecting the gender assigned to the athlete at the original date of issuance. The NFAA shall not accept any subsequently issued birth certificate reflecting a gender other than that assigned by such legal jurisdiction at the original date of issuance unless the subsequently amended birth certificate issuance was merely to correct a clerical error supported by a sworn affidavit admitting to the clerical error signed by an authorized individual on behalf the issuing jurisdictional authority.