Feb 18, 2015
Vegas Shoot Awards $24,000 in Archery Scholarships

The 2015 Vegas Shoot showed record numbers with 2,578 registered archers, 19% growth over 2014's 2,165 participants. The largest growth occurred in the Junior divisions with over 550 participants. This number has shown drastic increases over the last two years with 276 participants in 2013 and 417 participants in 2014. In total, the Junior divisions and the New! Young Adult Championship divisions attracted nearly 640 young archers.
2015 marked the beginning of a new venture between The Vegas Shoot, NFAA Foundation and the Easton Foundations. A total of $24,000 in archery scholarships was awarded to the top three place winners in each Junior division. 36 young athletes received $1,000; $700 or $300 archery scholarships at the 2015 Vegas Shoot.
"The goal of the scholarship program is to attract top young talent from around the World to compete at the Vegas Shoot. As The Vegas Shoot has become the proving grounds of archery, these young archers should be rewarded for the dedication and hard work it takes to win at Vegas, " commented Bruce Cull, Vegas Shoot President.
$1,000 Scholarship (1st Place)
Waylon Hjerpe (USA, AZ)
Giselle DeSousa (USA, CA)
Faith Cook (USA, WA)
Alex Gilliam (USA, GA)
Ana Paula Vazquez (MEX)
Min Soo Kim (USA, CA)
Rodrigo Gonzalez de Alba (MEX)
Emma Worgum (USA, WA)
Athena Caiopoulos (USA, CA)
Dane Johnson (USA, IN)
Morgan Franklin (USA, MN)
Jose Elizondo Del Bosque (MEX)
The NFAA Foundation would like to extend a special thank you to Greg Easton, Caren Sawyer and Bob Romero of the Easton Foundation for presenting the 2015 Junior Awards and Scholarships.
Intersted in applying for additional NFAA Foundation & Easton Foundations scholarships? All applications will be reviewed and awarded in even numbered years. Click here to view more information on how to apply for the 2016 awards!