Article V
A. Officers of the NFAA shall be President and Vice-President.
B. The positions of Executive Secretary and Treasurer are not officers of the NFAA.
C. Duties:
1. President:
1.1 The President shall preside at all general session, mail or conference call meetings of the NFAA Council, Board of Directors, or any duly constituted body. The President shall make available to the NFAA Council and the Board of Directors, copies of minutes of all such meetings at the earliest possible date, but no later than 30 days after the date of the meeting.
1.2 Conduct meetings in strict accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
1.3 Appoint all standing and special committees.
1.4 Initiate and develop activities of the NFAA Council, Board of Directors, or any other duly constituted body.
1.5 Prepare and submit to the Board of Directors and membership an bi-annual report indicating activities and position of the NFAA.
1.6 Be empowered to call an emergency Board meeting.
1.7 To supervise the Executive Secretary in the conduct and performance of his/her duties.
1.8 Be responsible for an annual audit by a Certified Public Accountant selected by the NFAA Council with the cooperation of the Executive Secretary, showing the NFAA financial condition at the close of business of each fiscal year.
2. Vice-President:
2.1 The Vice-President shall serve as a member of the NFAA Council.
2.2 Perform the duties of the President if the President is unable to act.
2.3 Coordinate public relations of the NFAA.
3. Executive Secretary:
3.1 The Executive Secretary shall conduct the affairs of the NFAA in accordance with the programs, policies and budgets as established by the Board of Directors.
3.2 Organize, operate and supervise the administrative office of the NFAA and its employees.
3.3 Coordinate the activities and programs of the NFAA.
3.4 Supervise the fiscal affairs of the NFAA in accordance with the budget adopted by the Board of Directors.
3.5 Assure proper publication of official notices and reports, attest documents, and keep the archives of the NFAA.
3.6 Assure the proper publication of promotional literature.
3.7 Assure the proper publication of any officially adopted publications by the Board of Directors.
3.8 Assure an adequate book of accounts of the NFAA.
3.9 Furnish a monthly financial statement to the NFAA Council and a quarterly financial statement to the Board of Directors.
3.10 Deposit all monies to the credit of the NFAA.
3.11 Obtain the approval of the NFAA Council on any expenditure not incident to the prepared budget and all items which are not outlined in the policies and procedures of the bi-annual meeting.
3.12 Promptly notify the appropriate state secretary and the sectional pro committeeman of the name and effective date upon issuance of an NFAA Professional Division membership; and promptly notify the appropriate state secretary of the name and effective date upon issuance of an NFAA Bowhunter membership (non-competitive), or upon issuance of an NFAA Life Membership.
3.13 Forward all changes in the Constitution and By-laws to State Association NFAA Directors and Secretaries within 90 days of action to change.
3.14 Be the custodian of all prizes and trophies of the NFAA and shall keep a record of them including the names of the donors, the conditions of competition governing the awards, and the names and scores of those who win them.
3.15 Organize, operate and supervise the administration of NFAA National Tournaments: Duties to include registration, finances, shooting assignments, results and any other associated tasks directed by the Tournament Chairman, NFAA President and NFAA Council.
4. Treasurer:
4.1 In the event this office is not combined with the Executive Secretary, shall render such reports as required by the Constitution and/or requested by the NFAA Council and Board of Directors.
4.2 Shall be responsible for such fiscal duties as outlined for the Executive Secretary.
D. Election, President, and Vice-President:
1. In the first week of August of even number years preceding election year, the NFAA Council shall act as a nominating committee and nominate two or more candidates for each office of President and Vice-President and file the same with the Executive Secretary before September 30th. All candidates will have been contacted beforehand and agreed to accept the nomination. Any individual who meets the requirements and has a valid nomination, shall be included on the slate of candidates.
2. Nominations will be accepted by the NFAA Council from a Council person or NFAA Director.
3. The list of candidates for each office, their qualifications, and their platforms shall be published in the 4th Quarter issue of the NFAA official publication.
4. The Executive Secretary shall mail the official ballot for the election along with the bi-annual meeting agenda items to the Directors
5. The ballots shall be turned in to the Executive Secretary and counted on the first day of the bi-annual meeting. The candidate receiving the most number of valid weighted votes shall be the winner of each office.
6. Write-in candidates or nominations from the floor shall not be considered.
7. To be considered for the office of President or Vice President, the candidate must have served as NFAA State Director or NFAA Councilman.
8. In the event that there is only one candidate for an office, the candidate will be considered elected by unanimous vote.
E. Term of Office:
1. The term of office for the President and Vice-President shall be for two years and shall run from 1 April of the election year to 31 March of the end of the two-year term.
F. Reports of Officers:
At the end of each fiscal year the President, Executive Secretary and Treasurer shall prepare a written report of their activities, and submit copies thereof within 30 days to each member of the NFAA Council and Board of Directors.
G. Removal of Officers:
Any officer may be removed from office by the NFAA Council. The officer being considered for removal shall have the opportunity to present a defense against any and all charges within two weeks of official notification of said charges by the NFAA Council. The resolution to remove an officer must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the NFAA Council. Charges to remove an officer may be filed by any officer, or elected representative of the NFAA.